Exploring Property Rights of Natural Resources for Science and Technology: A Preliminary Study


  • Maria Lopez Author


Property Rights, Natural Resources, Science and Technology, Intellectual Property, Sustainable Development


This paper presents a preliminary investigation into the property rights of natural resources concerning science and technology, aiming to elucidate the complexities and implications of resource ownership in the context of scientific and technological advancement. The concept of property rights is fundamental in determining the allocation, utilization, and governance of natural resources, which are increasingly pivotal in driving innovation and development in science and technology. Through a multidisciplinary approach encompassing legal analysis, economic theory, and policy perspectives, this study examines the diverse frameworks and mechanisms governing property rights of natural resources in scientific and technological endeavors. It delves into issues such as intellectual property rights, access and benefit-sharing agreements, environmental regulations, and indigenous rights, exploring how these factors intersect and shape the dynamics of resource ownership in scientific research and technological innovation. Drawing upon case studies and empirical evidence, the paper elucidates the implications of different property rights regimes on innovation incentives, technology transfer, and sustainable development. Furthermore, it discusses challenges such as regulatory gaps, conflicts of interest, and equity considerations inherent in the management of natural resource property rights for science and technology. By providing a preliminary analysis of this complex and multifaceted issue, this research aims to stimulate further inquiry and dialogue among scholars, policymakers, and stakeholders interested in advancing sustainable and equitable resource governance in the pursuit of scientific and technological progress.




