Exploring the Nexus between Social Capital and Knowledge Acquisition in Knowledge-Based Firms: An Empirical Analysis using BP Neural Network


  • Emily Smith Author
  • Rajesh Kumar Author


Social capital, Knowledge acquisition, Knowledge-based firms, BP neural network, Empirical study


This research investigates the intricate relationship between social capital and knowledge acquisition within knowledge-based firms, employing an empirical approach based on BP neural network modeling. By integrating insights from social capital theory and knowledge management literature, the study aims to elucidate how various dimensions of social capital, including structural, relational, and cognitive aspects, influence the process of knowledge acquisition within organizational contexts. Drawing upon a diverse dataset collected from knowledge-intensive firms across different industries, the research employs advanced computational techniques, specifically BP neural network modeling, to analyze the complex interplay between social capital variables and knowledge acquisition outcomes. The study explores how structural features of social capital, such as network density, centrality, and brokerage, shape the flow of knowledge within organizational networks, facilitating or impeding knowledge acquisition processes. Furthermore, the research examines the role of relational dimensions of social capital, such as trust, reciprocity, and shared norms, in fostering collaborative knowledge sharing and transfer among organizational members. Additionally, the study investigates how cognitive aspects of social capital, including shared mental models, collective efficacy, and absorptive capacity, contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of knowledge acquisition efforts within knowledge-based firms. The findings of the empirical analysis provide valuable insights into the complex dynamics of social capital and knowledge acquisition, offering nuanced understandings of the mechanisms through which social relationships and interactions influence the generation, dissemination, and utilization of knowledge assets within organizational settings. Moreover, the study discusses practical implications for knowledge management strategies, organizational design, and human resource development, highlighting the importance of fostering robust social networks and cultivating a conducive social capital environment to facilitate knowledge acquisition and innovation within knowledge-based firms.




