Developing Patent Strategy Establishment Method for R&D Alliances Using Patent Mapping


  • Maria Garcia Author
  • Sarah Lee Author
  • Wei Zhang Author


Patent Strategy, R&D Alliance, Patent Mapping, Intellectual Property, Innovation, Collaboration, Strategic Planning


This research focuses on developing a method for establishing patent strategy within R&D alliances using patent mapping techniques. R&D alliances are increasingly common in industries where collaboration and knowledge sharing are essential for innovation. However, managing intellectual property (IP) within these alliances poses unique challenges. Through the use of patent mapping, this study aims to provide a systematic approach for R&D alliances to analyze patent landscapes, identify relevant patents, and develop effective IP strategies. The research involves constructing patent maps to visualize the technological landscape, identify potential partners, and assess patent strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, the study explores how patent mapping can be integrated into the strategic planning process of R&D alliances to align IP strategies with alliance goals and objectives. By offering practical guidelines and insights, this research seeks to assist R&D alliances in maximizing the value of their patent portfolios and fostering innovation and collaboration in complex technological environments.




