Navigating the Current Dilemma and Future Trends of Merton's Sociology of Science


  • Arnav Sharma, Simran Kapoor Author


Merton's Sociology of Science, Dilemma, Future Trends, Norms of Science, Feminist Critiques


This paper critically examines the current state of Merton's sociology of science, assessing its relevance, limitations, and future directions in the context of contemporary scholarly discourse. Drawing upon Merton's foundational contributions to the sociology of science, including the norms of science, the Matthew effect, and the ethos of science, this study explores how Merton's ideas have shaped our understanding of scientific practices, institutions, and knowledge production processes. However, this research also highlights the challenges and critiques that have emerged regarding Merton's theoretical framework, such as its Eurocentric bias, neglect of power dynamics, and oversimplification of scientific behavior. Through a comprehensive review of recent scholarship and theoretical developments, this study identifies emerging trends and alternative approaches within the sociology of science, including postcolonial perspectives, feminist critiques, and actor-network theory. Furthermore, this paper discusses the implications of these developments for the future trajectory of Mertonian sociology of science and its potential contributions to addressing contemporary societal challenges, such as the democratization of knowledge production, the globalization of science, and the ethical governance of emerging technologies.




