Economic Structure, R&D Investment, and R&D Spatial Spillover Effect: An Empirical Analysis


  • Kritika Kapoor Author


Economic Structure, Spatial Spillover Effect, Empirical Analysis, Regional Economics


This empirical analysis investigates the relationship between economic structure, research and development (R&D) investment, and R&D spatial spillover effects. Drawing upon theories of regional economics, innovation, and spatial econometrics, this research examines how the composition of economic activities within regions influences the level and distribution of R&D investment and its spillover effects across geographical boundaries. Through quantitative analysis of regional data on economic structure, R&D expenditure, patent activity, and other relevant indicators, this study explores the spatial patterns of R&D investment and the extent to which R&D activities in one region stimulate innovation and economic growth in neighboring areas. Moreover, this research investigates the moderating effects of regional characteristics, such as industrial specialization, human capital levels, and institutional frameworks, on the magnitude and direction of R&D spatial spillovers. The findings offer insights into the mechanisms through which economic structure shapes regional innovation ecosystems and the effectiveness of R&D policies in promoting knowledge diffusion and regional development. This study contributes to the understanding of the complex interactions between economic structure, R&D investment, and spatial spillover effects, with implications for regional policy-making and innovation strategy formulation.




