Understanding Online Encyclopedia Users' Participation and Contribution: An Empirical Investigation


  • Avi Sharma, Amrita, Patel Devansh Singh, Ishita Kapoor Author


Online Encyclopedia, User Participation, Collaborative Editing, Knowledge Sharing


This empirical study delves into the dynamics of user participation and contribution within online encyclopedia platforms, aiming to uncover the motivations, behaviors, and impact of users engaged in content creation and editing. Through a mixed-methods approach combining quantitative analysis and qualitative insights, the research examines the factors driving individuals to actively participate in online encyclopedia projects, such as Wikipedia, and the patterns of their contribution over time. Moreover, it investigates the socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge backgrounds, and collaborative practices of diverse user groups, including editors, administrators, and casual contributors, to understand their roles in shaping the quality and diversity of content available on these platforms. Drawing upon data collected from user surveys, editing histories, and content analysis, the study explores the impact of user participation on the accuracy, coverage, and reliability of information within online encyclopedias, as well as its broader implications for knowledge dissemination and democratization of information. Furthermore, it examines the challenges and opportunities associated with managing collaborative communities, addressing issues of governance, conflict resolution, and sustainability in the context of online encyclopedia projects. By shedding light on the intricacies of user engagement and contribution dynamics, this research offers valuable insights for platform operators, researchers, and policymakers seeking to foster a vibrant and inclusive ecosystem of knowledge production and sharing in the digital age.




