The Influence of Transformational Leadership and Work Motivation toward JobSatisfaction among Employees of Islamic  Sharia Service in East Aceh District


  • Safrizal, Zulkarnain, Ferry Novliadi Author


Job Satisfaction, Transformational Leadership, Work Motivation, Employees, Islamic Sharia Office


Job satisfaction perceived by employees is one measure of how the organization can meet the expectations of employees associated with their job. Therefore, the effectiveness of transformational leadership and work motivation is an important part to encourage the emergence of employee job satisfaction. This study aims to find out the influence of transformational leadership and work motivation on to ward job satisfaction among employees of Islamic Sharia Officer in East Aceh district. This research uses quantitative method. Measuring tools of this research are job satisfaction scale, transformational leadership scale and work motivation scale. Samples in this study amounted to 51 people. Research data were analyzed by using multiple regression method. The results showed that there was a significant influence of transformational leadership and work motivation toward job satisfaction. The implication of the study is that role of transformational leadership is very important in improving employee job satisfaction.





