Unfair Fairness in The Stoning of Soraya M


  • S. Melwin Author


culture, stoning, injustice, protest, existential struggle


Culture is a communal construction created by a cluster of people to generate civilization. The characteristic qualities of a culture is defined by things comprising language, clothes, food, religion, lifestyle and society. Culture many a time contrasts from place to place. Different people in different societies have different culture and practices, and at times they may also share some similarities. Cultural practices are knit with customs and traditions. Traditional and customary practices are chief components of culture. Tradition is also an approach followed over the years and handed down from generation to generation, ensuring that it leads to a high degree of devoutness and uprightness. The novel The Stoning of Soraya M. Talks broadly of the life of innocent women in the nation Iran. Sahebjam writes critically of the regime as by chance when he visits a small town called Kupayeh, he learns about an innocent thirty five year old Soraya who has been stoned to death for infidelity. His thorough reporting reconstructs Soraya’s life and killing with much dialogue and interior monologue. The paper envision how the practice of upholding the value system takes a devious turn in the hands of the powerful people. The paper also focuses on culture when uncurbed, the end result will be bankruptcy in ethical judgement. 





