The City of Batna: Determinants on Urban Expansion (Easements - Constraints) and Alternative Options Available



Urban Expansion, Obstacles and Constraints, Expansion Options, Balancing Poles, Road Axes


Greater Batna is significant on multiple levels (local, regional, national). Its beginnings were for military purposes, hence the choice of its location was not given sufficient importance. The location is challenging, complex, and surrounded by many obstacles that later became barriers to its urban expansion, especially after it became saturated and could no longer accommodate the high demand for land to meet its expansion needs resulting from significant population increases.

Thus, city officials must think of serious solutions to meet Batna’s expansion needs according to a comprehensive vision with at least two planning levels (Provincial Land Development Plan PAW, and the Master Plan for Development and Urban Planning PDAU) and within specific time frames.

In this research paper, we attempted to provide solutions and suggestions that we see as scientific and practical to solve Batna's urban expansion problem. Priority was given to internal expansion by utilizing available vacant pockets, and later outside its urban perimeter according to two formats: first, linear expansions along the main road axes (National Roads 03 and 31), and second, by creating balancing poles with Batna as the mother and dominant city surrounded by four balancing poles within its provincial territory, achieving what is known as urban integration.

Author Biographies

  • Dr BARKAT ZINE EL ABIDINE, University of M'sila


  • Dr Seghiri Djamel, University of M'sila


  • Dr Houbib Hanane, University of M'sila






