Professional Values in Undergraduate Nursing Students


  • S. Swarna Associate Prof, CON, SVIMS,Tirupati Author


Profession, Values, Justice, Caring, Professionalism, Activism, Trust


Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare sector and are fundamental in the delivery of quality care Nursing is the value based profession great emphasis is there on the evaluation of nursing professional values. Descriptive survey was done  to determine professional values  in  graduate nursing students. Data was collected  from 90 students. . The tool used in the study was modified NPVS-R scale. Findings of the study were  majority (77.77%) were in the age group of 21 years, most of the nursing students ( 85.55%) were female,  more than  half of the  students  (56.67%). were from rural area Majority(73.34%) were residing in hostel, Justice was  given most preferred  value. caring was given second preferred in rating professional values. Trust was given third preferred in rating professional values   professionalism was  given fourth preferred in rating professional values   activism was given fifth preferred in rating professional values . Percentage of respondents who answered “most important” on all items in that caring. Professionalism  and Activism is most important that must  be emphasized in curriculum to develop nursing as a distinct profession.





