Contributions of Instrument Technology, Automation & Industry 4.0 Technologies for Condition Monitoring of an Industrial Plant Operations


  • Sreerama Meraka Raghu Engineering College (Autonomous), Visakhapatnam, India Author
  • TV Hanumantharao Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences (Autonomous), Visakhapatnam, India Author


Plant, Automation, Condition Monitoring, Plant Operations, Process control industries, Industry 4.0


Industrial Plant is a layout and Collection of systematic arrangement of goods, raw materials, machinery and manpower. Various types of plants Categorized based on the type of production and product manufactured. According to availability of plant layout designs, the industries are adopting suitable layouts. As per the statistics, In India Most of the industries belongs to Process control industries. Few examples of process control industries are Pharmaceutical & Chemical industries, Oil and gas refining, Milk processing Dairies, Food and beverage, Water treatment etc. The Plant Operating people Every time facing new Challenges and Problems in trouble shooting and plant maintenance. Especially in terms of Safety, Reliability and Smooth running of a plant.

In this connection, The Plant Operating people adopting and maintain Advanced Instrument Technology, Automation for Plant operations and Condition monitoring of a Process Control Units. This Paper is focusing and stated the Contributions of various Instruments, Automation, and Industry 4.0 Technologies to operate and enhance plant performance.





