Literature Review on Trend and Quality of Research Work Carried Out in the Department of Education in Central Universities of India


  • Mohammad Allam Author


Trends in Research; Quality of Education; Central University; Higher Education; PhD; Research Scholar


The present research article “Literature Review on Trend and Quality of Research Work Carried Out in the Department of Education in Central Universities of India” is an attempt to study the trends and quality of research work carried out at PhD level in the department of education of few selected central universities by reviewing the available literatures. Without checking the quality at primary level of research, the quality of research cannot be improved. There is also need to see the balance in the areas of research done in the department of education. Doing research in particular area only by neglecting other areas of research would lead to duplication and imbalance in research which would affect the research development and whole research culture. As a result the whole nation suffers. The field of education is the nerve of the school education and led the higher education in policy and programmes. So, any imbalance in research in education would lead to imbalance in other fields of study. 





