Implementing Online Courses services in academic libraries: New Opportunities for Librarians


  • S. Sundareswari Author


Online Courses, NPTEL, Online course, Online learning


The acronym <Online Courses= (NPTEL Online Course) is the latest buzzword in higher education and has generated extensive discussions in both professional and popular media. There is no doubt that Online Courses maximum visibility contributed to democratization of education; in a country like India Online Courses culture has brought tremendous hope for the unprivileged community deprive of formal education. India has second largest audience for Online Courses after US; as such there are tremendous opportunities as well as challenges for the librarians to provide necessary support to the Online Courses educators and learners. The benefits that the library can bring to this burgeoning form of online learning. The successful development of a Online Courses to ensure that those factors usually seen as the remit of the library service to lead on, such as Online Courses production services and guidance. This study may be helpful for those libraries and library and information science professionals who want to seriously get engaged and Implementing with Online Courses and gear up the Online Courses movements through their libraries.





