A Study on Assessment of Knowledge on Nutrition by Knowledge, Attitude, Practices (KAP) on Nutrition and Impact of Dietary Intervention among Scheduled Tribe (ST) Adolescent Girls in Kodaikanal Region, Dindigul District-Tamil Nadu


  • GEETHANJALI SANTHANAM Mother Teresa Women's University Author
  • Kavitha Maheswari Government Arts College-Nillakottai Author


Adolescent Tribes, KAP, dietary intervention


The living standards of a community can be boosted by passing on information to the community through the process of intervention. The susceptible community particularly adolescent girl requires dietary intervention. To reduce the nutritional deficiency diseases, nutrition education and reproductive education should be taught to all adolescent girls. This chapter focuses on the need and importance of nutrition education and its significance. Intervention is explained as an attempt to intervene or interrupt the standard sequence in the development of disease in man. It includes the condition of treatment, education, help or social support. Objectives: To assess the Knowledge on nutrition by Knowledge, Attitude, Practices (KAP) on nutrition and impact of dietary intervention. Methodology: Interview schedule was used to collect the information form the Scheduled Tribe (ST) population (N=180). The KAP schedule was framed to assess the knowledge of the respondents. The dietary intervention was provided with suitable teaching aids and different aspects of adolescent girl’s health. Results:  The significant improvement on Knowledge, Attitude, Practice scores were seen after the intervention. It shows that dietary intervention improves the knowledge, attitude, and practices of adolescent girls from tribal region.





